Just Scream
Just Scream
A Mere Reflection
A Mere Reflection
Tiny Dancer
Tiny Dancer
I Am Here
I Am Here
Eye of the Sparrow
Eye of the Sparrow
Evening Prayer
Evening Prayer
Too Much?
Too Much?
A Shave
A Shave
Partial to Hovering
Partial to Hovering
Bye"Bye", painted by Darlene Graeser from Unconscious on Canvas in May 2013 depicts an intriguing moment in a woman's life. Where is she going? Why is she going? What is she leaving behind and what is she thinking? Her eyes depict complex emotions, the rain drops on the car window underscore the sadness. It is one of the most commented upon images in her collection.Original for Sale.Contact Darlene Graeser: (805) 419-5568 or info@unconscious on canvas
Just Scream
Just Scream"Just Scream" was painted by Darlene Graeser from Unconscious on Canvas, October 2013. This 48x48 acrylic on canvas image depicts the massive energy of an unbridled scream that from time to time must be expressed. Count to 3 and JUST SCREAM--it feels great!Original for Sale.Contact Darlene Graeser: (805) 419-5568 or info@unconscious on canvas
A Mere Reflection
A Mere Reflection"A Mere Reflection", painted by Darlene Graeser from Unconscious on Canvas in 2014 on a 36 x 48 canvas.Original For SaleGiclees and other prints available for purchase at Fine Art America or contact Darlene Graeser: (805) 419-5568 or info@unconscious on canvasThe Self can lie, the Reflection cannot. 
Tiny Dancer
Tiny Dancer"Tiny Dancer", a 48 x 48 acrylic on canvas, was painted by Darlene Graeser of Unconscious on Canvas in 2013.It depicts a smitten little dancer lost in the fantasy of what it means to be a ballerina. As always, a nod to Darlene's latest muse photographer, Tamara Čern Sofig.Original for Sale.Contact Darlene Graeser: (805) 419-5568 or info@unconscious on canvas
DFace"DFace" was painted by Darlene Graeser from Unconscious on Canvas in 2013.Original for Sale.Contact Darlene Graeser: (805) 419-5568 or info@unconscious on canvasPhotograph by Richard Ruthsatz
I Am Here
I Am Here"I Am Here" was painted by Darlene Graeser from Unconscious on Canvas in 2011.This painting depicts a little boy appearing to fly, completely oblivious to his own magical powers, as is true of most children.Original for Sale.Contact Darlene Graeser: (805) 419-5568 or info@unconscious on canvasPhotograph by Richard Ruthsatz
Eye of the Sparrow
Eye of the SparrowAn original 48 x 60 acrylic on canvas painted in 2012 by Darlene Graeser from Unconscious on Canvas.Original for Sale.Contact Darlene Graeser: (805) 419-5568 or info@unconscious on canvasPhotograph by Richard Ruthsatz
Evening Prayer
Evening PrayerIn prayer, man is not alone."Evening Prayer" was painted by Darlene Graeser of Unconscious on Canvas. It is a 48x48 acrylic on canvas painting.Original for Sale.Contact Darlene Graeser: (805) 419-5568 or info@unconscious on canvasPhotograph by Richard Ruthsatz
Bla"Bla", is a 48 x 60 original acrylic on canvas, painted by Darlene Graeser of Unconscious on Canvas in 2011.Original for Sale.Contact Darlene Graeser: (805) 419-5568 or info@unconscious on canvasPhotograph by Richard Ruthsatz 
Too Much?
Too Much?"Too Much?" was painted by Darlene Graeser from Unconscious on Canvas in July 2013. This 48x36 canvas depicts a spikey pink-haired lady wearing a very frilly, ruffled, red, rose dress. Much to think about in this.Original for Sale.Contact Darlene Graeser: (805) 419-5568 or info@unconscious on canvas
A Shave
A Shave"A Shave" was painted by Darlene Graeser of Unconscious on Canvas in April of 2014. It is a 48x48 acrylic on canvas painting. It depicts the transition from pognophile to pognophobe; from the hollywoodian, to circle beard, to walrus, to finally the clean shave, and so time is measured in beards.Original for Sale.Contact Darlene Graeser: (805) 419-5568 or info@unconscious on canvas
Partial to Hovering
Partial to HoveringA 48 x 48 acrylic on canvas painting by Darlene Graeser from Unconscious on Canvas. Owner decides which direction she hovers.Original for Sale.Contact Darlene Graeser: (805) 419-5568 or info@unconscious on canvas
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