Darlene and John - Painting Napman
Darlene and John - Painting Napman
"Too Much?", "Wait for It", and "Bye"
"Too Much?", "Wait for It", and "Bye"
A Princess Incident in Brillig Manor
A Princess Incident in Brillig Manor
Mosaic Tile Shower
Mosaic Tile Shower
Brillig Manor Entry Way
Brillig Manor Entry Way
Stairs to the Bird House Studio
Stairs to the Bird House Studio
Guest Bathroom with "Just Scream"
Guest Bathroom with "Just Scream"
Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Mother May I Fireplace
Mother May I Fireplace
Detailed View of Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Detailed View of Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Detailed View of Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Detailed View of Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Detailed View of Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Detailed View of Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Mosaic Tiles - a la Goudy
Mosaic Tiles - a la Goudy
Mosaic  Tiles - a la Goudy
Mosaic Tiles - a la Goudy
Mon Chair
Mon Chair
Who Chairs?
Who Chairs?
Monopoly Mosaic - Electric Company
Monopoly Mosaic - Electric Company
Monopoly Mosaic - Go To Jail
Monopoly Mosaic - Go To Jail
Monopoly Mosaic - The Shoe Token
Monopoly Mosaic - The Shoe Token
Darlene and John - Painting Napman
Darlene and John - Painting NapmanDarlene Graeser and her husband John in her Birdhouse Studio of Brillig Mano, as he poses for her painting, "Adventures of Napman".
"Too Much?", "Wait for It", and "Bye"
"Too Much?", "Wait for It", and "Bye"View of Brillig Manor Entry way showing three of Darlene Graeser's paintings, as well as "Couch Phoenix", one of her many handpainted furniture pieces.
A Princess Incident in Brillig Manor
A Princess Incident in Brillig ManorView of the living room of Brillig Manor with Darlene Graeser's "A Princess Incident" shown behind the deep purple couch.
Mosaic Tile Shower
Mosaic Tile ShowerMosaic Tile Shower in Brillig Manor's Guest Bathroom
Brillig Manor Entry Way
Brillig Manor Entry WayBrillig Manor entry way; the glass doors depicting "Angels At Work" can be seen in the background. "Who Chairs?" and "Muse-ical Couch" can also be seen.  Duchess, the dog, happily provides her own guided tour.
Stairs to the Bird House Studio
Stairs to the Bird House StudioDarlene Graeser painted the large birds on the wall of the stairwell the first week she lived at Brillig Manor.  Originally, each of the birds were slightly different to express some characteristic of a friend.  When her art studio was built, the birds were removed, but her friends and family protested so violently that not only did she repaint the birds, but crafted t he wrought iron banister in the same shape asthe birds; ergo the name of the studio is “The Bird House”.
Guest Bathroom with "Just Scream"
Guest Bathroom with "Just Scream"Grope sinks, named after the anatomically incorrect women and men, can be seen in red underneath the bason.  Since childhood, these figures have appeared in all of Darlene Graeser's doodles.  Part of her painting "Just Scream" can be seen in the reflection of the mirror.  Careful inspection of the faucet, shows a hologram of light created from the skylight above.
Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Mosaic Tile FireplaceThe entire remodeling of the master bedroom was to create a feeling of flow.  The fireplace was fabricated by Gordon Johanson with the understanding that Darlene would mosaic tile it.  It took her four years to build up the courage to begin the project and five months to complete it.
Mother May I Fireplace
Mother May I FireplaceThe man on fireplace, “Mother May I”, was inspired by Darlene Graeser's canvas painting of the same name.  It speaks of the desire to ascend to higher levels of consciousness, and to reach for that ball, the golden ball. 
Detailed View of Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Detailed View of Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Detailed View of Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Detailed View of Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Detailed View of Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Detailed View of Mosaic Tile Fireplace
Mosaic Tiles - a la Goudy
Mosaic Tiles - a la GoudyBrillig Manor's Mosaic Tile Flowers a la Goudy.
Mosaic  Tiles - a la Goudy
Mosaic Tiles - a la GoudyBrillig Manor's Mosaic Flower Tiles a la Goudy
Mon Chair
Mon ChairBrillig Manor's "Mon Chair" sits in the living room. Above is seen the bust of a female torso.
Who Chairs?
Who Chairs?Antique furniture reupholstered in heavy canvas and painted by Darlene Graeser. To see more of her handpainted furniture, click here.
Monopoly Mosaic - Electric Company
Monopoly Mosaic - Electric CompanyA detailed view of the "Electric Company" portion of the mosaic tile Monopoly entry way in Brillig Manor. 
Monopoly Mosaic - Go To Jail
Monopoly Mosaic - Go To JailDetailed view of the Monopoly Tile Mosaic entry way of Brillig Manor
Monopoly Mosaic - The Shoe Token
Monopoly Mosaic - The Shoe TokenA close up view of the "Shoe Token" for the Monopoly tile entry way of Brillig Manor. There are three pieces in all; the shoe, the iron, and the thimble.  The gigantic game pieces were fabricated by Darlene Graeser’s husband John and daughter Erinn.  The pieces were made from wire lath, mortar and plaster, weighing about 100 pounds each, and are to scale for the board.
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